Cookie Notice


A small piece of data of type text file that is stored to the browser-specified storage location of a given device that enables various features and services, such as a language or currency preference, among other essential features. Each of the types listed in the Cookie List section below includes the host, lifespan, name, type, and use of each cookie within that list.

Cookie List:

Each cookie type is disclosed below, including both those that do and do not require consent from a user under applicable law. Specifications included for each are as follows:

1. Necessary
Essential for the navigation and use of the features and settings made available to users through this site. Cookies are set by this domain, and used for internal purpose. Block of necessary cookies may disrupt features and services.

List includes cookies where the type is First Party in Table 1. Cookie disclosure table (listed below).

2. Analytics
These cookies are set by external domains and may require consent under applicable law. Browser settings may be configured to block these cookies without affecting features or services of this product.
List includes those cookies where the type is First Party in Table 1. Cookie disclosure table (listed below).