How long does the lost and damaged filing service take?

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Share A Refund helps shippers recover funds related to lost and damaged shipments by automating the entire process. The costs recovered through this fully outsourced business process are all upside for shippers that don’t have the time to file lost and damaged claims manually.

AutoFile Enabled

Once AutoFile is enabled, the entire lost and damaged workflow is automated. The process spans 10 to 14 days and depends on the length of time required by the carrier to process an open claim. On average, the carriers need five to ten business days to process an open claim.

What is AutoFile?

This feature files lost and damage claims when a shipment is lost or damaged automatically (most common).

The typical process when AutoFile is enabled is as follows:

Auditing – 1 day
Claim filing – 1 day
Response from carrier – 7 days
Verification of refunds – 8 days
Reported on weekly digest – 10 days

Weekly Reports

All activity related to lost and damaged claims is reported within a weekly digest email that’s sent to the recipients specified on your account. This makes it easy to stay up-to-date on all activity on your shipping account(s).

One-Click Filing

In cases where tracking events didn’t indicate a lost or damaged shipment, you can file the claim within your Share A Refund account. To do so, navigate to the detail page for any given shipment, and follow the directions for filing lost and damaged claims within. Any pictures that you upload will be included on the claim submitted.

The typical process with one-click filing is as follows:

Upload pictures (optional) – 1 day
One-click filing – 1 day
Claim filing – 1 day
Response from carrier – 7 days
Verification of refunds – 8 days
Reported on weekly digest – 10 days

Next steps

Questions on how to file a lost or damaged claim? Read the detailed guide here.

Updated on September 11, 2023
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