How to view logs for a given user

Are you signed into your admin account?

Look on the top right of the Edit User page for the View Logs button.

If you’re having trouble supporting a given customer or staff member, the logs can help to diagnose what occurred and resolve the issue. The activities of each user within the system are logged and viewable by admin users.

Directions for viewing user logs

The following guide is intended to navigate you to the page to verify this setting.

  1. Login to your admin account.
  2. Tap Users on the sidebar.
  3. Select or search for the intended user.
  4. Click the pencil icon to the right side of the User record.
  5. Open the Edit user page.
  6. Navigate to the View Logs button.
  7. Open the logs for that user.

Log events by user type

Events are logged for all user types, including Admins, Sales Agents and Customers.

Viewing logs for disabled users

Log events are no long visible when a user is disabled within the system. To view the log for a given user, please enable a disabled user to view the logs for that user. This can be done within the admin user.

Updated on September 8, 2023
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