How to enable auditing on a customer’s shipping account

Are you on the edit shipping account page?

Look for the Auditing Enabled field, choose Y and tap Update.

The intent of this guide is to help Merchant Admin and Merchant Manager users update settings for a given customer to enable auditing after being previously disabled.

Directions on enabled auditing

Is this a new customer?

The audit is enabled by default. There’s nothing you or the customer need to do. These directions are only for removing a previously applied pause on the shipping account.

  1. Login to your account.
  2. Tap Users in the left sidebar.
  3. Tap the row for the targeted User.
  4. Tap the Shipping Account to update.
  5. Navigate to the Edit Shipping Account card.
  6. Tap Auditing Enabled and select Y.
  7. Tap the Update Shipping Account button.
Updated on September 11, 2023

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